This is going to be a series of visualization with R. The main packages used are ggplot2 and ggvis, and probably shiny. Hadley Wickham sees ggvis as the next generation of ggplot2, it is worth plotting the map by both packages. The first research subject is the China map.

The files (of different format) used for plotting geometry graphics are called ArcGIS files. The 3 key files are of extended name “.shp”, “.dbf” and “.shx”.

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Why ggvis?

ggvis is an awesome data visualization package which builds data graphics with a syntax similar to ggplot2 and creates rich interactive plots like shiny. Since the syntax is very structural, it’s easy to learn and to use.

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Hexo文件夹并不需要完全同步,涉及到的修改主要涉及Hexo文件夹下的_config.yml, source文件夹和themes文件夹。_config.yml和themes一旦设定,并不需要经常更新,可以在新设备中的Hexo文件夹设定好了以后用老设备中的文件覆盖上去。而source是更新最频繁的,需要将这个文件夹跟github同步。

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Quoting the introduction on RStudio official site:

R Markdown is an authoring format that enables easy creation of dynamic documents, presentations, and reports from R. It combines the core syntax of markdown (an easy-to-write plain text format) with embedded R code chunks that are run so their output can be included in the final document. R Markdown documents are fully reproducible (they can be automatically regenerated whenever underlying R code or data changes).

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